Tuesday, May 11, 2010

special er moment.

since i don't have time to write all about my rome adventures yet, i decided to share a little story about today that i promised i would never ever tell anyone happened. but i'm thinking it's too funny to not share.

i was visiting the basilica of st. paul in vatican city. there was confession going on so i decided to go. i go to the confessional and was very confused about where to sit. the seat was sooo low. first i sit down and decide that is very strange. i stand up and ask, "uh is it okay to sit?" he says yes. i sit down. sort of on my legs so that i'm higher. i leave and go to pray. i glance over when the next person goes and she KNEELS. duh, erica. you are supposed to kneel. i felt so dumb. i guess i've never been in one like that?

anyway, my sins were still forgiven and God was probably just laughing at me. i sure am special :)

1 comment:

  1. Dad can tell you how hard i was laughing...picture the moment...love you my special girl!
