Thursday, April 15, 2010

4 days and counting.

i just got back to chicago this morning from surprising my mom in arizona for her birthday. we all had such a lovely time soaking in the sun and shopping. i am so lucky to have the family and friends that i do. i'm not sure what i did to deserve them.

unfortunately my errands and last minute things for my trip have been a bit slow as i caught the flu yesterday. i am hoping it is just my body cleansing itself so that i stay healthy for my whole trip. however, if you know me at all, you know that i get sick often. crossing my fingers for this one. but as i lay here in bed, i figured i better set up my blog so that everyone can keep track of me.

i guess i would like to start with a little background of my trip. the ten year old version of myself decided that i wanted to go to europe some day. i, unlike my brother who had a permanent hole in his pocket, started saving my money. i babysat almost twice a weekend, every weekend through middle school, and put it all in this special bank account. (thank you to those of you who contributed weekly :) the saving stopped once i went to college as we all know college students are perpetually poor. but luckily, i had a large amount saved that was off limits unless it was for europe.

i couldn't think of a better time to go than now as i just graduated from depaul university a month ago with my degree in sociology. and i have absolutely no plans for my future at this point. so off i go to explore the world and explore myself for six weeks.

i am flying into amsterdam to stay with one of my best friends from high school. she is still going to university so she cannot travel with me the whole time, but we will be going to london and italy together. then i will travel alone (yes, alone. and if you feel worried for me, you can set up a little prayer table for me in your house and pray every day. i'm fairly certain i have some very very good angels watching over me.) to prague, rome, barcelona, madrid, dublin, paris, and vienna.

i will try to keep this updated regularly and please please comment with your favorite places or any advice you have. i will be gone from april 19th to june 3rd. keep me in your prayers-- i may not always be the sharpest crayon in the box.



  1. Erica,
    I am so proud of you, congrats on your recent graduation. I was just talking to Jim, aka your dad, the other day and he was talking about all of this. Your going to have a great time, traveling by planes, trains, and automobiles, oh and by the good ole reliable foot! While in Dublin you should for sure do the day tour of Dublin. It is set up to hit all of the hot spots there, and you can jump off and on these buses that run all day and stay as long as you want at each spot. Quite fun. The Guinness Brewery is also a cool attraction, and if your just there for the day just walking around and taking in the sites is an amazing adventure in its self.
    I wish you the best, and will keep track of your adventure and look forward to many cool pictures and stories... Be careful, safe, and constantly aware of your surroundings, and who is around you, and you will be fine. Accept no drinks from strangers and use that smart brain of yours!!! :)
    Take care

  2. Bon Voyage!!
    Great start to your blog my girl! Despite throwing your (poor) brother under the bus. He spent his money on band instruments and band equipment (and band members). Have a wonderful time and know that all will be well and you will have the time of your life. Love Dad
    PS. Your crayon is pretty bright - God selected it for you!

  3. So sorry you are on "pause". Perhaps there is something more you are to do before you leave.
    And I believe you meant APRIL 26? :)
    Love you my girl!

  4. Oh my goodness, my sweet are leaving! We are praying for safe travels and wonderful experiences! We love you!
