Monday, April 19, 2010

false alarm.

well, it looks like my adventure is on hold a week. the airline just called to tell me my flight has been canceled. there is not another flight available until APRIL 25th. unfortunately my bag is sitting here nicely packed. everything was ready to go. i guess i have a week to fill out some applications and explore chicago. if anyone is in need of a babysitter i'm here :).

i have been saying for a month now that my current life lesson is about planning. i think i popped out of my mother's womb with a planner in one hand. i spent so many years having anxiety when my plans got messed up. i cried at birthday parties when my friends didn't do what i wanted. and so now, i just laugh because this is the big sha-bang of the lesson--the test, i would say. i can't stress because it is out of my hands. it is not MY plan and never has been. i let go control and life is much more pleasant.

i think i'll take myself to the movies today and maybe a little date. i'll sit in the library for hours and i'll go for a walk. i'll pump up my bike tires and go for a ride along the lake. i'll clean my house, which is much needed and i'll take a daily nap. i guess i will cherish this little surprise vacation from my vacation. oh the joys of being a college graduate.

until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Ah.. hang in there little foot!!!! :)
    You will get there, and this is just a sign that it was not the right time to go.. maybe you needed a few more naps to store up all that energy you will need to go 24/7 while on vacation.
    Oh and Yeah clean that house.... lol
